Java Applications

A package joins together, as a .jar file, the various classes and other resources (such as icons) that belong to a Java Application. Compiling the package creates a .jar file. The .jar file is the executable Java Application. Running the.jar file runs the Java Application.

Java applications need a main() method. To turn an applet into an application, add a main() method, as shown in the code below.

Example JApplet (Run Example Code)

package applicationdemo;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

// To turn an applet into an application, include the main() method
public class ApplicationDemo extends JApplet
    // To turn an applet into an application, include the main() method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // application title and dimensions
        final String title = "Application Title";
        final Dimension applicationFrameSize = new Dimension(300, 200);

        // make an application frame to hold the applet
        final JFrame applicationFrame = new JFrame(title);

        // place the applet inside the application's frame
        final JApplet applet = new ApplicationDemo();
        applicationFrame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        applicationFrame.getContentPane().add("Center", applet);


    public void init()
        this.setContentPane(new View());

    public class View extends JPanel
        public View()

        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            g.drawString("Java Application Demo", 50, 50);
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