Some & Every

The some() and every() methods operate on arrays (including arrays of objects).


The some() method will return true if at least one item in the array matches a given condition.

some() applied to an array (Run Example)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Example using some() method</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/htmlcharset=utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
           let numbers = [1, 3, 6, 8, 11]
           let arrayContainsNumber = numbers.some(number => number === 6)

           console.log(`arrayContainsNumber is ${arrayContainsNumber}`)  // will display true, as the number 6 occurs at least once in the array
         <div>View the console output in browser's Web DevTools (F12)</div>

Write code to use a for-loop instead of the some() method, as shown here.


The every() method will return true if all of the items in the array matches a given condition.

every() applied to an array (Run Example)

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Example using every() method</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/htmlcharset=utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
            let numbers = [1, 3, 6, 8, 11]
            let arrayContainsNumber = numbers.every(number => number === 6)

            console.log(`arrayContainsNumber is ${arrayContainsNumber}`)  // will display false, as the number 6 occurs only least once in the array
         <div>View the console output in browser's Web DevTools (F12)</div>

Write code to use a for-loop instead of the every() method, as shown here.

Write code that uses the every() method to test if all the numbers in an array are even, as shown here.

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