Copyright Derek O'Reilly, Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland.
The following four 2D transformations can be applied in CSS
The following examples show how each of the above transformations can be used to animate a vertical menu.
The following example displays a vertical menu that uses the "transform:translate()" selector to animate a menu when the mouse hovers over it.
Example of Menu With transform:translate() (Run Example)
<!doctype html>
<title>Course notes example code</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.menu a
.menu ul li span, /* span is used to identify drop-down title */
.menu a
display:block; /* Expand hyperlink to fill container*/
.menu ul li:hover span,
.menu a:hover,
.menu a:active
.menu ul
list-style:none; /* Remove the bullet from list items */
padding:0px; /* Remove default padding from list items */
.menu li
width:80px; /* width for each list item. Not absolutely necessary for horizontal menus. */
text-align:center; /* Not needed for either menu. */
.menu.horizontal li
display:inline-block; /* Force list items onto same line. */
float:left; /* Force list items tight together. */
.menu.vertical li
display:block; /* Force list items onto seperate lines. */
.menu.vertical ul li:hover span,
.menu.vertical a:hover,
.menu.vertical a:active
<div class="vertical menu">
<li><a href="home/home.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">Products</a></li>
The following example displays a vertical menu that uses the "transform:translate()" selector to animate a menu when the mouse hovers over it.
Example of Menu With transform:translate() (Run Example)
<!doctype html>
<title>Course notes example code</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.menu a
.menu ul li span, /* span is used to identify drop-down title */
.menu a
display:block; /* Expand hyperlink to fill container*/
.menu ul li:hover span,
.menu a:hover,
.menu a:active
.menu ul
list-style:none; /* Remove the bullet from list items */
padding:0px; /* Remove default padding from list items */
.menu li
width:80px; /* width for each list item. Not absolutely necessary for horizontal menus. */
text-align:center; /* Not needed for either menu. */
.menu.horizontal li
display:inline-block; /* Force list items onto same line. */
float:left; /* Force list items tight together. */
.menu.vertical li
display:block; /* Force list items onto seperate lines. */
.menu.vertical ul li:hover span,
.menu.vertical a:hover,
.menu.vertical a:active
<div class="vertical menu">
<li><a href="home/home.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">Products</a></li>
The following example displays a vertical menu that uses the "transform:translate()" selector to animate a menu when the mouse hovers over it.
Example of Menu With transform:translate() (Run Example)
<!doctype html>
<title>Course notes example code</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.menu a
.menu ul li span, /* span is used to identify drop-down title */
.menu a
display:block; /* Expand hyperlink to fill container*/
.menu ul li:hover span,
.menu a:hover,
.menu a:active
.menu ul
list-style:none; /* Remove the bullet from list items */
padding:0px; /* Remove default padding from list items */
.menu li
width:80px; /* width for each list item. Not absolutely necessary for horizontal menus. */
text-align:center; /* Not needed for either menu. */
.menu.horizontal li
display:inline-block; /* Force list items onto same line. */
float:left; /* Force list items tight together. */
.menu.vertical li
display:block; /* Force list items onto seperate lines. */
.menu.vertical ul li:hover span,
.menu.vertical a:hover,
.menu.vertical a:active
<div class="vertical menu">
<li><a href="home/home.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">Products</a></li>
The following example displays a vertical menu that uses the "transform:translate()" selector to animate a menu when the mouse hovers over it.
Example of Menu With transform:translate() (Run Example)
<!doctype html>
<title>Course notes example code</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.menu a
.menu ul li span, /* span is used to identify drop-down title */
.menu a
display:block; /* Expand hyperlink to fill container*/
.menu ul li:hover span,
.menu a:hover,
.menu a:active
.menu ul
list-style:none; /* Remove the bullet from list items */
padding:0px; /* Remove default padding from list items */
.menu li
width:80px; /* width for each list item. Not absolutely necessary for horizontal menus. */
text-align:center; /* Not needed for either menu. */
.menu.horizontal li
display:inline-block; /* Force list items onto same line. */
float:left; /* Force list items tight together. */
.menu.vertical li
display:block; /* Force list items onto seperate lines. */
.menu.vertical ul li:hover span,
.menu.vertical a:hover,
.menu.vertical a:active
transform:skew(20deg, 5deg);
<div class="vertical menu">
<li><a href="home/home.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">About Us</a></li>
<li><a href="about_us/about_us.html">Products</a></li>
It is better to demostrate perspective using text and images, as per the example below.
Example of transform:perspective (Run Example)
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Course notes example code</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <style> body { background-color:gray; } .text { width:300px; font-size:50px; margin:auto; margin-top:150px; transform:perspective(500px) rotatex(45deg); } .photogallery ul { list-style:none; /* Remove the bullet from list items */ } .photogallery ul li { text-decoration:none; width:200px; display:inline-block; float:left; padding:10px; margin:0px; background-color:white; transform:perspective(500px) rotatey(45deg); } div.photogallery ul li img { width:100%; } div.photogallery ul li:hover { z-index:5; position:relative; transform:perspective(500px) rotateY(0deg); } </style> </head> <body> <div class="photogallery"> <ul> <li><img src="images/dkit01.gif"></li> <li><img src="images/dkit02.gif"></li> <li><img src="images/dkit03.gif"></li> </ul> </div> <div class = "text">This is an example of text that has perspective applied to it.</div> </body> </html>
Copyright Derek O' Reilly, Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT), Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland.